God bless you richly. I would like to specially welcome you and your child/children to Winners Kidz, the Children’s Ministry arm of Winners Chapel International, Cardiff. We have a strong passion for Children and the desire to see them grow in the knowledge of Christ. I believe that as your children become rooted and grounded here, they would become and remain winners in every area of their lives in Jesus name
The bible says in II Timothy 3:15, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. We see it as our responsibility to make this scripture a reality by the help of the Holy Spirit within the time we spend with your child/children. The Children’s church is designed to assist the children with developing a real relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and the person of the Holy Spirit by teaching them the word of faith that will deliver them from all oppressions of the devil.
Our main goal as the leaders, teachers, and members of the Winners’ Kidz team is to reach out to every child with the love of Christ and do all we can to saturate the spirit, soul and body of the children with the word of God so they are equipped with all they would need to face the challenges of life and come out triumphant.
We seek to do so in an age appropriate, exciting and fun filled way which will cause the children to have a thirst, not just for the knowledge of the word of God, but more importantly, for understanding. We believe that it is when the children have understanding that they can begin to walk towards a lifetime of excellence in every area of their lives.
The Children’s Church runs in line with the adult services as seen below:
- Service Time: 10:00am – 12:00noon
The Classes are:
- Toddler Classes: Ages 18-36 months.
- Junior Classes: Ages 3-5 years.
- Senior Classes: Ages 6-12 years
- Teen Church: Ages 13-19 years
It is a great privilege to teach and be a part of helping each child fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their lives. Please note that your information would not be shared with any other party. I would like to thank you for your anticipated cooperation in making this Children’s Church a place that emits the glory of God.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child/children and ensuring that your family has a most pleasurable and memorable time with us. We encourage you to take the time to ask your children what they learned with us and review the lessons in order to help them build a strong spiritual life.
If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns, please feel free to speak to any teacher and you would be directed to the appropriate person. The Lord bless you richly and may your connection to this commission be evident for all to not only see, but come to the knowledge of Christ in Jesus name.
Information For Parents
Please note that registration begins every Sunday exactly 20 minutes before the service begins and closes at exactly 15 minutes after the service begins. Do not bring your children to the Children’s’ Church prior to the opening times, as there will be no one there to receive them or ensure their safety.
- Please note that registration begins every Sunday exactly 20 minutes before the service begins and closes at exactly 15 minutes after the service begins. Do not bring your children to the Children’s’ Church prior to the opening times, as there will be no one there to receive them or ensure their safety.
- Parents/guardians should please endeavour to communicate with members of the Winners Kidz team with courtesy and respect.
- Please ensure your child is fully equipped for the service by providing a bible, notebook and a pen/pencil.
- We in the Children’s Church also participate in special ministration services such as communion, feet washing and anointing services.
- We provide snacks such as crisps, biscuits, sweets and drinks during the break period; if you do not want your child to participate, please inform one of the teachers.
- If your child/children would like to celebrate his/her birthday within the Children’s Church, please inform us beforehand.
- The Children’s Church has a no smacking policy. However we will not tolerate acts of indiscipline. Copies of our policy on discipline are available should you require one.
- Any child who is constantly involved in misbehaving or disturbing other children, fighting, biting, being rude to teachers or disrupting classes will be asked (after discussion with parents/guardians) to stay away from the Children’s Church until his/her behaviour has improved.
- Parents/guardians should please note that all the toilet facilities within the Children’s Church building are intended only for the children and the teachers.
You would appreciate that we consider the safety of your child as a top priority, to this effect the following guidelines should be adhered to so as to ensure a smooth process when you drop off and pick your children. Please take note of the following information.
- Parents/guardians are required to register their children at the registration counter before walking through the access controlled doors to the appropriate classroom.
- If the child is attending the Children’s Church for the first time, the parent/guardian will also need to complete a membership form for the child/children.
- All registered children will be given an identity tag, and a duplicate will be given to the parent/guardian.
- At the close of service, the parent/guardian will need to produce the duplicate identity tag in order to collect their child/children.
- Please endeavour to collect your children within 10 minutes of the service ending in order to allow the teachers prepare for subsequent services. Failure to produce a tag will require the parent/guardian to undergo a verification of identity process.
- Please note that NO child will be handed over to an adult if we cannot verify the identity of the adult coming to collect the child.
- The children’s Church will only register and take responsibility for children when Parents/guardians adhere to the rules stated above.
Once again, thank you for your cooperation. God bless you.

We have a strong passion for Children and the desire to see them grow in the knowledge of Christ.